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Monday, April 26, 2010

How Do You Cope and Care For Yourself as a Caregiver?

I am in the process of putting together a list of things I can do for myself.  I want to come up with some things that a healthy, caring human being would/could do for herself. It can be little things....things like painting my toenails, even though no one is going to see them but me or planting and caring for some beautiful flowers. Those things count.

I just think I need to do some things for me.   Supporting someone who has depression or mental illness is very difficult and draining. (Supporting someone who has physical disabilities or challenges is also taxing at times.)  I want to have some simple things that I can do, things that will make me feel re-charged or just like I focused on something else for a little bit of time.  I hope this doesn't sound like a selfish thing.

Can you comment and give me your ideas? I would be very interested in any you have to share. I will keep working on my list and share it with all of you soon.  Your ideas can benefit others, too, so if you have ideas, share them. Not all ideas suit everyone, because we all have different interests.  That's the beauty of this wonderful world of the internet.  We can share ideas and help each other.  I really hope to hear from you soon.


1 comment:

  1. Some of the things that have helped me are exercise, baking (it's a good thing I exercise, because I really like to bake), reading, talking with a good friend, and being outdoors. I'd love to hear other ideas too. Sometimes I feel guilty (and sometimes my husband makes me feel guilty) for taking care of myself, but it's so so necessary to be the best mom and wife I can be.
