This blog is anonymous. I don't know your real name and you don't know mine. All names have been changed. The point of this blog is for you to be able to drop your burden. Sometimes it's just nice to know that someone out there "gets" it, that they understand what you're going through, at least to some degree. My hope is that if you need that, this blog will help provide that for you.
It's ok to feel angry, mad, depressed, hurt, frustrated, annoyed, etc........ Allow yourself to feel whatever it is you are feeling. It's ok. Find a trusted friend that you can go to for support or come here and vent your story. Drop your burden. That's the point of this site.
So.....Vent. Get it out. Email me and vent it out. Scream your frustrations at me in all capital letters if you need to. :) I can take it. I am anonymous to you. I won't judge you. You can use whatever name you'd like. I have felt all of those feelings, and probably many others that you also feel. Cry if you need to. Share your story with me and you will be heard. Send it "out" of your house, and drop your burden. I'll do my very best to understand, but rest assured, I'll respond. I promise.
Hi everyone! Thanks for visiting. If you're a newcomer, please start on the right hand side under "Home" to get the basics for the purpose of this blog. This blog is completely anonymous, and you may comment anonymously, sign with a fake name after an anonymous comment or use your real name, if you'd like.
If you'd like to be a contributor to this blog, we'd love to have you! Send an email to Ivana or Clara and we'll respond so you can share your story with us.
Rest assured that others have been where you are and know what you're going through. So, come along! Drop your burden for a little while!
If you'd like to be a contributor to this blog, we'd love to have you! Send an email to Ivana or Clara and we'll respond so you can share your story with us.
Rest assured that others have been where you are and know what you're going through. So, come along! Drop your burden for a little while!