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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Angelic or Evil? Meh..Depends on the Day

I thought things were pretty good. Seemed ok. Getting along for the most part, much better than in a long time.

Lately Sven seems to like me. Things have been ok.....until this morning, when I began to be the focus of yet another silent rage. Ahh, Borderlines and their silent raging.

So.....I'm "evil" again, just in case you were wondering. (I know.. that's what you sit around wondering, lol). It's a cycle, and I'm not to worried about it. I'll be back to angelic soon, just have to endure the focus of the hatred for a little while. I'm getting rather good at it, actually. I'm surprised at how much it DIDN'T affect me this time.

So....Points for that, right?

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