
Hi everyone! Thanks for visiting. If you're a newcomer, please start on the right hand side under "Home" to get the basics for the purpose of this blog. This blog is completely anonymous, and you may comment anonymously, sign with a fake name after an anonymous comment or use your real name, if you'd like.

If you'd like to be a contributor to this blog, we'd love to have you! Send an email to Ivana or Clara and we'll respond so you can share your story with us.

Rest assured that others have been where you are and know what you're going through. So, come along! Drop your burden for a little while!


Welcome! I created this site because I have often wished there was a place where I could connect with others regarding the struggles, trials and triumphs that accompany being a caregiver for someone who suffers from depression or mental illness.

This site is going to have as much anonymity as possible. For that reason, I have changed the names of all those in my family/friends. You may comment under your real name, a fake name, or you may comment anonymously. I just hope that you will comment and share your thoughts, because it will benefit me as well.

I hope that this will be a place where you will find support, love, and strength as you continue your daily efforts of support for your loved one. I hope it will lift your spirit and give you energy and comfort. I do not profess to be an expert on depression, and I hope to gain better understanding from all of you as you also share your experiences with me. Because my religion is a huge part of my life and is extremely important to me, you will find that much of what you read here is Christian based, though I do hope you will feel welcome to follow the site even if you do not share my beliefs.

Please feel free to email me regarding topics you are interested in. If you would like to be a contributor to this blog, I would be thrilled to have you join. Please send me an email to ivanacookieplease [at] yahoo [dot] com. (The address is written that way to reduce spam).

I hope you will find this blog to be a place where you can "Drop Your Burden", at least for a little while, as you gain support in knowing that you are not alone and others understand what you are going through.