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Friday, March 26, 2010

Unemployment and Sven

In 1999, Sven lost his job. He was working in a Y2K position at the time, and the company downsized several positions.  This loss affected him deeply. He went into a deep depression. There were many days where he didn't shower or get dressed. He would spend hours on end watching television or playing video games. It was a very difficult time in our marriage, and we nearly divorced over it. He was unemployed for nearly 18 months.

In late 2008, Sven lost his job due to the economic downturn here in the United States.

His position simply disappeared as company cutbacks were made.  This job loss was extremely hard on Sven. He had been with this company since being hired following the Y2K position, and he felt that they were not treating him as a loyal employee who had been with them for a long time. He was angry and bitter and withdrew from me.

He applied over and over for jobs within the same company. He did apply with other companies, but he seemed to be fixated on getting re-hired with his previous employer. During this time, he withdrew from me and went into a deeper depression, much like the one I recall from 1999. Marital problems grew exponentially during this time.  His addiction to pornography became a huge problem in our marriage and we are still suffering the affects of some of the things that happened during this period.

Unemployment was scary place to be, because I was scared for us financially, but I couldn't rely on my husband to calm my fears and help me through this. I had to rely on the Lord. Scriptures and time at the temple became critical for me and for my emotional well-being. I began running during this time, and I found that it was a huge help to me to spend time alone and to be getting some exercise to physically release some of my stress.

He was out of work for 8 months, and was eventually re-hired with the same company.  However, he took a severe paycut of about 30% less than he was previously making.  But, we had insurance now and no longer had to make COBRA payments, which had been extremely difficult for us to do. 

I am grateful that Sven was able to find employment. I find myself thinking that I am ungrateful because there are still others who are out of work. I find myself thinking that I need to count my blessings. I also find myself thinking that this is incredibly difficult and wondering why God would give me this trial. Clearly, I don't understand His ways, but I am certain that I am supposed to learn something by living through this.

To read more of Sven's Story, click here.

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