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Monday, March 29, 2010

When My Prayers Seem Unanswered

Last week I found this talk titled: "When My Prayers Seem Unanswered".   It was really uplifting for me and put some things into perspective that I needed to reconsider.  Much of this talk focuses on the beliefs of the members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, though others may enjoy it as well.  It is not specifically about depression or caregiving, but I think that if someone feels their prayers are unanswered, they might be more susceptible to depression or feeling "blue", so that is why I am posting about this.

To save the MP3 for listening on your iPod or MP3 player:
1. Click on the blue "Download" button,  and look for "Audio" under the drop-down menu.
2. Right click on the "Audio" tab.
3. Click "Save Target As" and save it to your computer. (I have a folder on my desktop that is titled "MP3". That way I know where to find them every time.)
4. Copy the file to your MP3 player or your iPod. 

To import to iTunes:
After completing steps 1-3 above, do the following:
1. Open iTunes and click "File" in the upper left-hand corner.
2. From the drop-down menu, select "Add File to Library".
3. Select your MP3 from its saved location on your computer and add it to your iTunes library.
4. Look under "Recently Added" under your Playlists and then you can select it and sync it to your iPod.

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